School News

What is New with Cooke School?

- May 13, 2011      Archive

As of May 3, 2011, Cooke Real Estate School received approval to provide the 60 Hour Montana streaming video on-demand broker course. ARELLO certification was received on April 27, 2011. This is exciting news for our school, for our school has now the only online broker course in Montana.

Beside Montana, Cooke is also currently working on our own online 60 Hour Virginia Real Estate Principles Course. We are currently providing the Dearborn Real Estate Education Company’s online course in Virginia but we hope to add the Virginia streaming video product to our course line within the next couple of months.

Students that are taking any of our Florida courses probably noticed that they are now being directed to our national website. The company’s main website address of is now the starting point for all our courses across the United States. No matter if the student is taking a Florida, North Dakota, Montana, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia or Wisconsin video streaming course, the student can go to and then to the state link they are in.

The school was constantly having issues with students that are taking courses in other states a being driven to our Florida website. So we have taken this bold move to change that confusion that existed. We have been very luck in having a very good web presents in the search engines for our Florida site and we hope this move doesn’t affect that. But with the goals of the firm and our course offerings in other states than Florida, we needed to take the ambitious move.

Frank Cooke
Cooke Real Estate School